Wednesday, July 26 you will hear morning maniac music!" -- or: you can now download Paradiso, Amsterdam, May 3rd, 2006 from Dime! A great great gig, those who attended multiple shows of the European leg of the most recent tour agreed that it was among the top three performances of the tour...
Thursday, July 20
DAMPSABA updated

"We are Motorpsycho...
A couple of years ago the band provided the fan community with setlists to all concerts they have played up to 1999. The information contained within Bent's notes opened up a treasure trove for Motorpsycho historicians. Many fans, myself included, spent hours & hours browsing through the countless great sets & fantasizing about the dream Motorpsycho concert. Also the complete tour dates, setlists, venue specifics & occasional comments about peculiar versions or circumstances provide an irreplaceable tool for properly identifying & archiving fan-made recordings of Motorpsycho concerts.
In addition to all this fun the UnOff did create a neat searchable database called DAMPSABA, if you haven't used it before check it out now! DAMPSABA's content has been updated & overhauled to include every setlist up to May 2006 (yes, you read right, including the entire recent spring tour)! Also included are the Tussler tours of 2003 & 2004 (just like the pre-2000 Tussler sets have been included in the official sets).
The Motorpsycho community has been patiently waiting for this for years that's I want to thank Stefan G. & the UnOff on behalf of all fans for the continued effort! Here's to hopefully another 16 years with juicy Motorpsycho sets!
The band will be back in August to perform a handful of festival shows.
"...and tonight you win!"

The band live on stage at Paradiso, Amsterdam, May 3rd, 2006.
Pictures by Thank you very much!
In addition to all this fun the UnOff did create a neat searchable database called DAMPSABA, if you haven't used it before check it out now! DAMPSABA's content has been updated & overhauled to include every setlist up to May 2006 (yes, you read right, including the entire recent spring tour)! Also included are the Tussler tours of 2003 & 2004 (just like the pre-2000 Tussler sets have been included in the official sets).
The Motorpsycho community has been patiently waiting for this for years that's I want to thank Stefan G. & the UnOff on behalf of all fans for the continued effort! Here's to hopefully another 16 years with juicy Motorpsycho sets!
The band will be back in August to perform a handful of festival shows.
"...and tonight you win!"

Pictures by Thank you very much!
Tuesday, July 11
More water on the ever-spinning rumour-mill regarding the DVD! Take it for what it's worth...
Wednesday, July 5
Festival tour
IN JUST FOUR WEEKS Motorpsycho will return to the stage with a run of medium to small-sized festival gigs across Europe. It is being assumed that the band will play some six concerts altogether in August (as reported previously). Two festival-appearances have been known for some time: A prestigious slot on Oslo's Øyafestival bill & a show at Germany's Haldern Pop Festival.
An additional, third date has surfaced now: they will rock Switzerland again at the For Noise Festival, Pully, near Lausanne. The three-day festival, specialized in "the whole spectrum of rock music with all its nuances yet open to different sounds" (cf. For Noise info), will be held from August 10th to 12th, 2006; Motorpsycho will perform on the third day (12.08.2006), between 22:00 & 23:30. This appears to be the tenth anniversary of the festival. Other acts on the bill include Fischerspooner, Puppetmastaz, Art Brut, Yann Tiersen, Lambchop, Celtic Frost, Sylvain Chauveau & Ensemble Nocturne among many others. Tickets are available in many places, see the ticket info on the festival's website, go here or here, or to They cost between 35 & 40 CHF for one day.
An additional, third date has surfaced now: they will rock Switzerland again at the For Noise Festival, Pully, near Lausanne. The three-day festival, specialized in "the whole spectrum of rock music with all its nuances yet open to different sounds" (cf. For Noise info), will be held from August 10th to 12th, 2006; Motorpsycho will perform on the third day (12.08.2006), between 22:00 & 23:30. This appears to be the tenth anniversary of the festival. Other acts on the bill include Fischerspooner, Puppetmastaz, Art Brut, Yann Tiersen, Lambchop, Celtic Frost, Sylvain Chauveau & Ensemble Nocturne among many others. Tickets are available in many places, see the ticket info on the festival's website, go here or here, or to They cost between 35 & 40 CHF for one day.
No other dates are known so far & it is still uncertain if more shows will be added at all. The band will hopefully be back with a more extensive itinerary in the autumn, compare this article.
A constantly updated schedule for the summer tour can be found here (the sidebar has a link for quick navigation too). I will also keep a Concert Chronology 2006 Part II, like I did during the spring tour, see the 2006 Concert Chronology Part I.
Motorpsycho have last toured Europe's festival circuit in the summer 2002, when they took their collaboration with Jaga Jazzist on the road for seven shows & recorded "In the fishtank" in a dutch studio.
Many thanks to marc for the heads up about the For Noise confirmation! Discuss & make travel-plans here -- there is nothing like a Motorpsycho-concert to look forward to!
A constantly updated schedule for the summer tour can be found here (the sidebar has a link for quick navigation too). I will also keep a Concert Chronology 2006 Part II, like I did during the spring tour, see the 2006 Concert Chronology Part I.
Motorpsycho have last toured Europe's festival circuit in the summer 2002, when they took their collaboration with Jaga Jazzist on the road for seven shows & recorded "In the fishtank" in a dutch studio.
Many thanks to marc for the heads up about the For Noise confirmation! Discuss & make travel-plans here -- there is nothing like a Motorpsycho-concert to look forward to!