Monday, August 14

2006 Festival tour wrap up

Bent & Snah at Øya Festival 10.08.2006, webcaststill

Motorpsycho in Europe, summer 2006: Haldern Pop Festival, Øya Festival & For Noise Festival -- that was an all too short tour but at least it brought with it a couple of new concert dates & a great webcast of the complete Øya show, a must-have documentation of Motorpsycho in concert 2006!

The 2006 Concert Chronolgy 2006 Part II has been updated with expanded notes to Øya & For Noise, an Øya review, the For Noise soundcheck playlist as well as screenshots from the Øya-webcast.

If you got any additional information, notes, pictures, sounds/recordings, setlists(scans), whatever regarding the recent three festival concerts -- do not hestitate to e-mail me, it's greatly appreciated!

Replaying that fantastic webcast over & over will certainly help you ease the craving for the next Motorpsycho show which always can't come soon enough, but for now we'll have to wait two and a half months until October for another -- hopefully comprehensive -- tour...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just to mention it here too: there is also a low-key-version (for slower connections) of the webcast, here: rtsp://

hey alex, keep up the great work, I love your site! :)

6:20 PM  

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